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Chef's Blog

My Thoughts on Food, Health, Nutrition, Exercise & a Peak Into Chef's Life

Healthy Holiday Spiced Pineapple Cake

Inspired by some leftover pineapple pieces in the fridge that were headed to the trash, I decided to make a holiday spiced cake.  The over-ripe pineapple has a bunch of natural sweetness that...

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Are Sweet Potatoes a Super Food?

Writing this in the heart of the fall season it feels like prime time for sweet potato recipes.  Even though I love all kinds of potatoes, and I encourage you to branch out and try some...

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5 Healthy Ways To Use Butternut Squash This Fall

Fall is a fantastic culinary season that includes much more than pumpkin spice lattes.  One of my favorite things to cook this time of year is Butternut Squash! It's a winter squash that has a...

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