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Healthy Holiday Spiced Pineapple Cake

Ingredients for healthy holiday spiced pineapple cake

Inspired by some leftover pineapple pieces in the fridge that were headed to the trash, I decided to make a holiday spiced cake.  The over-ripe pineapple has a bunch of natural sweetness that help minimize any additional sweeteners needed!  Feeling the holiday season I thought that adding some antioxidant rich dried cranberries would be a nice pairing and I finished it off with some cinnamon and nutmeg.  Currents, cherries or raisins can also be used in place of cranberries, depending on what you like or have on hand.

I used a combination of ground oats, pepitos and almond flour in place of white flour, because they are gluten free and add some nice minerals like zinc and magnesium as well as fiber.  But if you don't have those it can be any combination of gluten free flours totaling 2 cups.  Just be careful using coconut flour, it will require less flour.  I love to add chia and flax to all of my baked goods, and I added 1 tbsp each of them ground up to this recipe, but again not necessary if you don't have on hand.

This cake is packed full of health promoting ingredients and is a great replacement for the sweet tooth cravings that can knock us off track this time of year.  It's gluten free, sugar free & dairy free, which also makes it guilt free! Feel free to experiment with the recipe and post any questions you have about the recipe and enjoy!


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