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The Perfect Smoothie

Healthy Smoothie

Smoothies can be a great addition for many of my clients looking to lose weight and/or get healthier.  They can be quick and easy additions that accomplish multiple goals that I set to achieve. BUT, are all smoothies actually good for you??  The question is definitely NO!  Especially when we're talking about the store bought pre-made ones and many of the popular smoothie chain stores.  They are FULL of Sugar in the forms of syrups and juices and often lack the fiber from fresh fruit.  One of the first recommendations I make to anyone trying to lose weight and get healthy is to cut back on liquid sugar (in the form of drinks), and these commercial smoothies fall into that category. 

So instead I guide my clients on making healthy delicious smoothies at home.  Not only can they help clients increase their protein intake, but also can provide a great source of fiber, antioxidants, anti-inflammatory omega-3 fats & probiotics.  This combination not only helps reduce their risk of chronic diseases, but helps to properly recover from exercise, provides a stable energy source and is convenient.  Plus they help me satisfy my sweet tooth in a nutritious way!

Many people have questions on what to put in their smoothies, so I provide a variety of smoothie recipes with the weekly meal planners I send my clients.  Below is my favorite and what I consider my base recipe, with some notes on each ingredient.  Click on this link to get access to the discounted protein powders I recommend to my clients: My Recommended Protein Powders

Protein Powder: I recommended whey protein powder, organic, grass fed and sweetened with stevia or monk fruit, avoiding sugary powders and artificial sweeteners.  Whey bothers some people's digestive system or they're plant based, so pea protein can be a good alternative.  Check my link for the discounted protein powders I recommend for my clients.  These options provide a complete protein source, meaning they contain all 9 essential amino acids that we need to get from our diet, because our body cannot produce them.  I spend a whole week in my course talking about why prioritizing protein is important.

Collagen Powder:  I like to add collagen powder, because it has more of the amino acids that support joint and bone health, as well as glycine, which is a major building block for your body's master antioxidant glutathione.  And most people do not get enough sources of glycine.  Again, I have a recommended collagen powder in my link.

Yogurt: I usually add an organic grass fed greek yogurt or coconut yogurt.  But either way I make sure it's unsweetened and organic.  This adds a great probiotic source and adds a creamy texture to the smoothie.

Berries: Blueberries are my standard, but I like to mix it up adding in mixed berries, strawberries, blackberries, cherries, cranberries.  I find that frozen works best and is usually a cheaper option for organic, which is especially important when it comes to berries.

Banana: I use just a half of a banana to contribute to the bulk and creamy texture of the smoothie, and adds a lil natural sweetness.  Plus as an added bonus I usually have some extra bananas to use for my healthy muffins when they get brown!

Chia/Flax: Chia and flax add a nice plant based protein source, fiber and omega-3 source all at once!  Flax must be ground.  I usually keep a ground flax and chia mix in my fridge to add to smoothies and my healthy baked goods.

Liquid: I usually just use water.  Coconut milk would be my second choice, preferably without any additives or emulsifiers (gums).

Add-Ins:  When it comes to these add-ins I don't usually use them all.  Instead I rotate through them for variety.  They add extra sources of antioxidants, protein and healthy fats.  Spirulina, acai powder, goji berry powder and hemp hearts.


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